Public outrage sparked after beloved “train station cat” allegedly attacked by teen yobs
PUBLIC outrage has been sparked after a beloved “train station cat” was allegedly attacked by a group of teenagers.
Nala has become a local celebrity, often being spotted for wandering around Stevenage Railway Station, Hertfordshire, where she often sits on ticket turnstiles greeting railway staff and passengers.
However, the four-year-old feline was allegedly attacked by a group of teenagers earlier this month, who maliciously kicked the feline before station staff ultimately intervened.
Nala’s family released a statement on the incident last week, where they reassured fans that the poor moggy is “fine” and has since returned to her usual stomping grounds.
They are now pleading that the aggressors come forward and admit their guilt.
The full statement reads: “We are deeply saddened to hear of the reported incident which has been widely circulating on social media regarding Nala at Stevenage station on Sunday.
“Nala is fine and seems unfazed by the incident, as after picking him up, [she] returned to the station almost immediately and has since been back to greet commuters.
“Nala is, and always has been, an outdoor cat who loves to explore, push boundaries and more than anything, loves the interaction of others.
“We strongly feel that keeping Nala indoors due to the actions of a small number of individuals would be cruel and unfair to [her] – within minutes Nala would be scratching at the window to go out.
“Since Spring 2021, Nala has been a beloved figure around town, especially at the Leisure Park and, more recently, the train station.
“She enjoys [her] freedom, spending some days entirely at home and others exploring or being perched at the at the station. We do not wish to restrict [her] freedom.
“Nala puts a smile on literally hundreds of people’s faces every day and has helped to bring the community together and we feel has made a positive difference in many people’s lives near and far.
“We hope this continues without any fear or any harm towards Nala. We urge for those responsible for the recent incident to be held accountable.
“Animal cruelty and threats of violence to a member of the public are intolerable and have absolutely no place in our society.
“We thank the anonymous member of the community who stood up for Nala and the station staff who intervened and hope that the police will bring the perpetrators to justice.
“Sincerely, Nala’s Family.”
The post received over 36,300 likes and more than 1,100 comments from outraged Brits who shared their sympathies.
One person wrote: “I saw Nala the other week and [she] helped me through the ticket barrier.
“Put a smile on my otherwise miserable commute. How or why would anyone hurt [her]?”
Another said: “Why do people like this exist? Like, Nala literally makes everyone smile as they go past. Why so much hate inside some people?”
A third commented: “I’m horrified that people could treat precious Nala in this way. Karma is a horrible thing. I hope she’s okay.”
A fourth added: “My heart just broke. I’m so sorry, Nala. Oh my God, there is no morality anymore. Who attacks a poor, innocent cat? I feel sick.”
British Transport Police have been approached for comment.