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Scots locals left outraged following destruction of community planters in Edinburgh neighbourhood

SCOTS locals have been left outraged following the destruction of a set of community planters in an Edinburgh neighbourhood.

Staff at Robbie’s Bar on the capital’s Leith Walk found the community planters, which sit on the corner by Iona Street, in a state lsat Friday morning.

The planters – which normally host plants and saplings to bring a bit of nature to the streets – had been vandalised and their plants destroyed by unidentified tearaways.

Despite the efforts of bar staff and local Jeanette Russell, the saplings have been snapped beyond saving, leaving 57-year-old Jeanette and other Leith residents fuming.

Locals were outraged at the act of vandalism.

Pictures of the destruction show plants uprooted and thrown to the pavement, soil dug up and tossed aside and budding tree saplings snapped and destroyed – with the vandals seemingly striking overnight.

Jeanette shared the snaps to social media lst Friday night with the caption: “To the idiot or idiots who thought it would be a great idea to snap the saplings and uproot all the plants in the Iona Street planters. Why?

“Robbie’s Bar staff left at 11:30pm last night and planters [were] intact. Came in at 9am [today] and [there was an] act of vandalism.

“All the plants had been uprooted and thrown on the pavement, and the saplings snapped.

“Staff at Robbie’s Bar replanted the plants with a hope they will survive. The saplings are done for. Why?”

Jeanette’s rant received dozens of likes and comments from fuming locals who were left bewildered by the senseless vandalism.

One said: “This is our money so these clowns are costing us money – wonder if they pay any taxes?

“So now we have paid for trees twice to try to create a nice living environment for people who have no respect for their environment.”

Another added: “Just bloody idiots, our Xmas decorations on the street were vandalised, broken and torn up. Sad.”

A third commented: “I would try contacting the Royal Infirmary, they could give you a list of the people who have had a full-frontal lobotomy.”

Speaking today Jeanette said: “Council was contacted, teamworks contacted and nobody [is] taking responsibility.

“Leith community want to plant and sow seeds but are reluctant to spend their own money to improve the environment if it is going to be vandalized.

“I’ve bought compost and seeds to encourage bees and butterflies etc. but I haven’t used it yet, because I worry about vandalism and wasting my money and time.

“Leith community deserves some place to grow vegetables and encourage the wildlife. Idiots are ruining this.

“A planter down Leith Walk, that was a community herb garden, also got tanned.”