Funding awarded for farming to help tackle climate change
MORE than £7m has been awarded to 517 rural businesses in 2023 from the Agri-Environment Climate Scheme (AECS). Overall, £27m will be paid over the lifetime of the contracts to applicants. The money is aimed to help support land management activities that will benefit nature and mitigate against climate change. Farmers can now apply for […]
Scottish bird populations see impact of climate change
SCOTLAND’S terrestrial breeding birds are seeing the effects of climate change due to the hotter and wetter weather, according to a new report. NatureScot has shown the climate’s impact on the numbers and species of birds thriving in urban, woodland, upland and farmland habitats. Climate change, which has seen wetter summers and warmer winters in […]
Scotland’s climate changing faster than predicted, analysis shows
SCOTLAND’S climate is changing faster than predicted, with more frequent and extreme weather events increasingly likely, new analysis shows. Experts at Aberdeen’s James Hutton Institute, an independent research organisation, say weather patterns in Scotland have changed substantially since 1960. They also found changes that were expected to be seen over the next three decades are […]