16 Feb, 2025

Funding awarded for farming to help tackle climate change

MORE than £7m has been awarded to 517 rural businesses in 2023 from the Agri-Environment Climate Scheme (AECS). Overall, £27m will be paid over the lifetime of the contracts to applicants. The money is aimed to help support land management activities that will benefit nature and mitigate against climate change. Farmers can now apply for […]

3 mins read

Landmark hit as schools across the country Tackle Maths thanks to Blair Kinghorn-fronted programme

A PARTNERSHIP between Scottish Building Society and Edinburgh Rugby to help school children learn maths has hit a landmark target. The Tackle Maths programme has put 175 children between 8-12 years-old through their paces by helping them gain practical maths skills, using rugby and real-life examples to show the importance of maths in everyday life.  […]

2 mins read

Scottish National Investment Bank to help tackle harmful online content

DIGITAL forensic experts Cyacomb has received a funding package totalling £3.8m, including £2.6m from the Scottish National Investment Bank. Based in Edinburgh, the firm uses cutting-edge technology to detect and block harmful online content. This funding will help to scale up operations. They have developed safeguarding software already being used by law enforcement agencies around […]

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