Wind farm off coast of Scotland completes Site Investigation

A WIND FARM located on the northeast coast of Scotland, has completed its offshore site investigations.

Developer of a 1GW floating offshore wind farm, Buchan Offshore Wind, had the objective to identify and quantify geotechnical and environmental characteristics of both the development site and the export cable route.

This information will now be assessed and used to support development of the project’s design and environmental assessment.

Floatgen project, developed by BW Ideol. Credits: Hutcheson Associates.

Ocean Infinity, who commenced the surveying process for Buchan Offshore Wind in April this year, used the Normand Superior vessel to conclude the survey with cone penetration tests on the wind farm site.

Alasdair MacLeod, Project Director at Buchan Offshore Wind said: “The completion of the offshore site investigation marks an important milestone within the development process, and we are looking forward to progressing Buchan Offshore Wind into its design phase.

“We welcome the open and engaged approach of local stakeholders, which was vital in ensuring the offshore survey could be completed safely and efficiently.”

The development team are finalising exhibition material for the project’s public consultation events, which are taking place in Peterhead, Fraserburgh and St Combs from 20th to 22nd November.


