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Hilarious video shows Scots dad’s foul-mouthed reaction to daughter bringing Christmas decorations out in November

A HILARIOUS video shows a Scots dad’s foul-mouthed meltdown after spotting that his daughter had brought the Christmas decorations out in November.

Carla Grant filmed her dad’s reaction to her decision after he returned home from work on Wednesday and spotted the boxes of festive gear in his hallway.

Carla from Cumbernauld, North Lanarkshire is on the wind-up as her dad fumes, pacing back and forth as he stresses over what his neighbours will think.

The hilarious clip begins with Carla filming her dad standing in the hall besides a children’s toy truck, saying: “It’s f*****g November, it’s November, not the middle of November or the end.

“It’s near the start, firework night was only the other night, now all this s***e – how (sic) can you not just wait until December? Even the first of December.”

Whilst her dad is letting off steam, Carla diverts the camera to show a blow-up Santa and Mr Snowman ready and waiting to be placed outside along with Christmas candles.

Carla can be heard off-screen claiming that her dad is being a “bah-humbug” – an allegation that he quickly refutes.

However, he seems worried that locals in Cumbernauld will be questioning the family’s decorations for going up so early as he gesticulates passionately with his arms.

He says: “I’m not being a bah-humbug, everybody will be driving by going like that ‘Look at they (sic) f*****s, what are they doing?’

“Halloween is just away.”

The fed-up dad then walks off camera into his kitchen, leaving the camera in full view of what appears to be a Christmas stocking on the living room door.

His daughter can be heard off-camera saying: “This is when you put your [Christmas] tree up, it’s tradition.”

Carla’s dad pops his head back up after hearing his daughter’s November-based decor claims, replying: “It’s not tradition, it’s not my tradition.”

He can be heard muttering in the kitchen to himself as the clip comes to an end, saying: “F****g November, f**k sake.”

Carla’s dad was left fuming with the Christmas decorations being brought down from the loft. Credit: Carla Grant

Carla shared the side-splitting clip to social media earlier this week and it received 67,000 likes with more than 2,100 comments.

Social media users were left howling at the dad’s rant with many agreeing with Carla that November was an acceptable time to put up the Christmas tree.

One said: “Mine’s been up since 2 November, good on you, get your tree up.”

Another added: “It’s the new thing, I have mine up too. My husband is just used to it now.”

A third replied: “This could be my husband, he is the same, we call him Scrooge.”

Another commented: “What’s the big deal? Life’s too short, do what makes you happy.”

According to tradition, Christmas trees and decorations should go up on the first day of Advent, which is the fourth Sunday before Christmas.

Abiding by this rule, that would mean that Brits should get their decor displayed on Sunday, 3 December this year.