Absolute Radio host Matt Forde announces he is now “cancer free” following succesful surgery to remove part of spine
ABSOLUTE Radio host Matt Forde has announced he is now “cancer free” following a successful operation on his spine. The 41-year-old shared the shocking news last year that he had developed sciatica as a result of a spinal tumour and would therefore be taking a hiatus while he awaited surgery. Pictured: Absolute Radio host Matt […]
Garden centre hosts free gardening workshops on growing potatoes
GARDEN centre retailer Dobbies is encouraging gardeners of all abilities and ages to give growing their own spuds a go this year at its free in-store workshops on potatoes. Potatoes are the most important food crop globally after rice, wheat and corn, and have been named by YouGov as the most popular vegetable at the […]
Free swimming lessons keep opportunities afloat for local kids
Hundreds of Aberdeen children provided with vital life skills CHILDREN IN Aberdeen are being offered free swimming lessons as part of an inclusive swimming initiative from a local leisure provider. Aberdeen Sports Village (ASV) has provided 367 children with free swimming lessons this year as part of its very own community initiative, delivering a bespoke […]
Scots farmers to be offered free health “MOT”
FARMERS who attend the Aberdeen Christmas Classic at Thainstone on Monday 27 and Tuesday 28 November will be offered a free health “MOT”. After a successful trial at events earlier this year including the Royal Highland Show, The Health Hut initiative will give guests the opportunity to have a check-up, including blood pressure, early diabetes […]
Scots charity offers farmers free dyslexia assessments
A SCOTS charity has offered farmers over the age of 40 the chance to be assessed for dyslexia. The Royal Scottish Agricultural Benevolent Institution (RSABI) is working with Dyslexia Scotland to raise awareness of the challenges many involved in farming face with dyslexia. Pete Black pictured with foal, Felicity. (C) Muckle Media. The campaign was […]
Public urged to “give five to save a life” with free CPR training
RESIDENTS across Dundee are being urged to give five minutes of their time next week to learn a potentially lifesaving skill. Staff and students from the University of Dundee’s School of Health Sciences and School of Medicine are hosting free CPR training to members of the public as part of Restart a Heart Day. On Monday 16 […]